BizCast 68: Dining Etiquette with Katie Walters & Shawn McManus

Episode 68 Dining Etiquette with Katie Walters & Shawn McManusAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers, you’ll get in-depth insight on...

BizCast 67: Michael Kreiling – Workforce helper and author, blogger

Episode 67 Michael Kreiling – Workforce helper and author, bloggerAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers, you’ll get in-depth insight on...

BizCast 66: Lane and Shannon Peters with Hallmark Homecare

Episode 66 Lane and Shannon Peters with Hallmark HomecareAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers, you’ll get in-depth insight on the...

BizCast 65: Central Alumni, who glams at Fashion Week, expanding La Crosse studio

Episode 65 Estina Hanes: Central Alumni, who glams at Fashion Week, expanding La Crosse studioAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers,...

BizCast 64: Owning five businesses with new dad, Colin Luz

Episode 64 Owning five businesses with new dad, Colin LuzAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers, you’ll get in-depth insight on the...

BizCast 63: Creating “Savory Creations” with Shawn McManus

Episode 63 Creating “Savory Creations” with Shawn McManusAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers, you’ll get in-depth insight on the...

BizCast 62: Bringing Your Best Self with Sarah Fecht

Episode 62 Brining Your Best Self with Sarah FechtAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers, you’ll get in-depth insight on the challenges...

BizCast 61 Walts Restaurant and Tavern in Bangor with Katie Walters, Shawn McManus

Episode 60 Katie Walters, Shawn McManus bring ethnic inspired food to Bangor at Walt's Restaurant and DinerAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem...

BizCast 60 Ted Talker Cate Hollowitsch

Episode 59 TED Talker Cate HollowitschAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers, you’ll get in-depth insight on the challenges and...

BizCast 59 Kwik Trip Divesters to Business Investors: Nesnah Ventures with Cate Hollowitsch

Episode 58 From Kwik Trip Divesters to Business Investors: Nesnah Ventures' Cate HollowitschAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers,...
BizCast 60 Ted Talker Cate Hollowitsch

BizCast 60 Ted Talker Cate Hollowitsch

Episode 59 TED Talker Cate HollowitschAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers, you’ll get in-depth insight on the challenges and...

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Copy BizCast 58: Tips When Flying from Dan Markussen

Episode 58 Tips when Flying from Dan MarkussenAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers, you’ll get in-depth insight on the challenges and...

BizCast 58: Tips When Flying from Dan Markussen

Episode 58 Tips when Flying from Dan MarkussenAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers, you’ll get in-depth insight on the challenges and...


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Independent Contractor Laws to Change: Weigh In

Independent Contractor Laws to Change: Weigh In Independent Contractor Laws may be changing. You have until December 13 to weigh in on the Department of Labor proposal.  At the core of the issue is whether someone needs to be paid as an employee for work performed or...

La Crosse County Implementing New Permit Platform

The pandemic fast-forwarded La Crosse County's online permitting process, with new digital permitting software coming soon. While they can still take walk-ins, but the zoning department says the majority are now done via...

La Crosse County Comprehensive Plan Nearly Finalized

Plan for additional time when needing a zoning change when in a township and for building in clusters of development as La Crosse County looks to implement its soon-to-be Comprehensive Plan in June. The "Envision 2050...


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BizCast 58: Tips When Flying from Dan Markussen

BizCast 58: Tips When Flying from Dan Markussen

Episode 58 Tips when Flying from Dan MarkussenAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers, you’ll get in-depth insight on the challenges and...

Copy BizCast 58: Tips When Flying from Dan Markussen

Episode 58 Tips when Flying from Dan MarkussenAbout BizCast Greater La Crosse We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers, you’ll get in-depth insight on the challenges and...


Fayze’s Restaurant Keeps Giving During COVID

Fayze’s Restaurant Keeps Giving During COVID

Fayze's RestaurantSIDEBAR STORY: Understanding Limited Capacity & Why It Matters to RestaurantsWhen 2020 Keeps Taking.   The always charitable Fayze's Restaurant Keeps Giving During COVID.The restaurant  keeps adapting to keep costs low and sales going but is...

Jacqlon’s Faces Staying Open or Retirement

Jacqlon’s Faces Staying Open or Retirement

Jacqlon's Country CafeJacqlon's Faces Staying Open or Retirement Jacqlon's broke ground as the first restaurant in Holmen 25 years ago. As Jacqlynn and Lonnie Hauser approached 2020, it was the year to retire. Unfortunately their savings is getting tapped instead...

Keeping it Positive at Houghton’s Pub

Keeping it Positive at Houghton’s Pub

Houghton's Jackson Street PubEDITOR'S NOTE: This is one of the original stories when BizNews began as Engage Greater La Crosse, hired to run a campaign called “Get on Living Stronger” – tell the stories and promote local,...

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