Episode 28
Root Down Yoga
About BizCast Greater La Crosse
We bring you news from the business community. From startups to experienced problem solvers, you’ll get in-depth insight on the challenges and opportunities of doing business in Greater La Crosse. Our show is a collaboration between WIZMNews.com and BizNews Greater La Crosse ( GreaterLaCrosse.media ).
Full Transcript [ generated by AI]
[00:00:00] Nick Roush: the worst form of punishment is solitary confinement. We need each other all the time, like every day.
[00:00:06] Nick Roush: And we need that third place. And I’m so proud to say that. All of the people who have come to Root Down have made it their third place.
[00:00:16] Vicki Markussen: Welcome to Biz Cast Greater La Crosse, a weekly podcast brought to you by Biz News Greater La Crosse we bring you news from the business community. I am your host and founder, Vicki Markussen. And joining me is the co-owner, aong with Mandy Roush. But joining me is Nick Roush. They own root down yoga.
[00:00:37] Vicki Markussen: Which is in its 11th year, so you make it easy for me to remember. 11 11, 11 is when it started. Yes. Born on
[00:00:45] Nick Roush: 11. 11. 11. Where? We are on Calon Street on the north side of LA Cross. 1217 Caledonia, to be exact, in just a great, awesome old building, the Apey building built in 1893. Am I getting that right?
[00:00:59] Nick Roush: I should get that right. And. Just a really beautiful spot on the north side that we call home. Yeah, right in the middle of Old Town North.
[00:01:07] Vicki Markussen: But that wasn’t its
[00:01:08] Nick Roush: original home. No, no. So Root Down. So Root Down was born even before we were there. Root Down was born out of our garage. We call it the Garage Model.
[00:01:17] Nick Roush: My wife’s amazing story, which I will paraphrase, which is not to add any. Like lack of gravity to it. She was working in health promotion. Health education and she felt like for a long time she wasn’t walking the talk, so to speak, of her life. And I’m not saying anything outta turn here cuz she’s told this story and so have I.
[00:01:37] Nick Roush: And she got pretty overweight. Wasn’t feeling good about herself and yoga for her was a return to herself and a return to her body, right? And feeling confident to re-inhabit herself. If that makes sense. And. She started out with yoga practice, our first yoga teacher over at Mayo Health System.
[00:01:56] Nick Roush: Now Beth hippa. Who became one of our teachers later foreshadowing in the story. Wow. Yes. At the studio and love her Dilly. She still comes to classes all the time. Oh my God. Beth, I love you if you hear this and So that started off for Mandy with yoga practice and then Runa block.
[00:02:11] Nick Roush: Walka block. And then run to walk one. And fast forward a period of time later, Mandy ran her first marathon. Lost over 90 pounds and reinhabited her body in the most amazing, beautiful way. And herself. And So she was chatting with Beth about, gosh, you know, yoga’s just changed my life and what should I do?
[00:02:33] Nick Roush: Well, sh you should teach yoga. Yes. And so Mandy went to her first teacher training adventure into Mexico with a great tea, former teacher of ours. And this different person came home Wow. On the plane. Yeah. Life changing. And I wanted some of that cause I was just so. Work and success and do the grind all the time and all, and thankfully I’ve always had lightning fast metabolism, but had just lost a lot of the health of my youth.
[00:03:06] Nick Roush: And so I’ve started to practice as well. And Mandy started teaching at the Y and some other spots, snap Fitness. And then I was practicing too. And then and the next thing you know, well, I wanted to teach as well, so did some things. Started teaching, and then we really wanted to get a hot studio going and so we decided to heat up the garage and start classes for family and friends out of the garage.
[00:03:33] Nick Roush: Every one of ’em was packed, and we loved it. It was so fun. It started out as one class a week, then it was two, then it was four. Then people were calling us saying do you guys do the hot yoga? Maybe? Who’s, this
[00:03:47] Vicki Markussen: doesn’t even start with Hello. Right, exactly.
[00:03:51] Nick Roush: And it it turned into a calling.
[00:03:53] Nick Roush: And has persisted as that. And I had bought this building on the north side way before route down Yoga practice was even a thing for us. Bought it in 2006 as a house for, my new job at the time. Masters Building Solutions in the H V A C business. And shout out to masters, awesome people there.
[00:04:14] Nick Roush: Love them still. And and they’re still there today. They are, yeah. Yeah. And We had this upstairs space that was never gonna be anything. Right? It was the old storage area for the furniture store that was downstairs in the sixties. Mm. And the other side, it’s last known use, was when the parole offices were there.
[00:04:35] Vicki Markussen: Oh, really? Yes. Didn’t know
[00:04:37] Nick Roush: that. Divided into all these little offices and stuff like that. And just subdivided chopped up in all these little pieces. And so it was like rebirth. And we had this space and I thought, we gotta do this thing. And so we tore it out all down to the studs.
[00:04:52] Nick Roush: It was the worst demo job of my life. If you know how big a 50 yard dumpster is, they’re big. They’re huge. We filled nine of them. Wow. Like every possible square inch, gutting that place out. And reconstructing and creating the space that is route down. That was phase one. We did phase two with the back half.
[00:05:11] Nick Roush: In the second studio b a couple years later. And we were, we, as time works out, a big number in Mandy’s life is 11. She was born at 11 o’clock at night and she weighed 11 pounds, 11 ounces. Wow. That’s a big baby. Yeah. Mom had jail, right? Mom had gestational diabetes. So Manny was $10 water.
[00:05:31] Nick Roush: Yeah. Yeah. It was a big thing. And yeah, thank God she made it out. And so as fate would have it, our opening day was 11 11 11. And we had hoped that maybe one day if things went right that maybe 20 people would show up for yoga. And I guess we must have created a lot of karma before we opened with all the classes and all the things.
[00:05:53] Nick Roush: Cuz 70 people showed up for yoga on the first night and I had this awesome student, her name is Julie. And she just has this fantastic dry wit. And I met her for the first time that night and she walked up to me as I was checking people into the class, and it’s just pandemonium. There’s stuff all over the place and we’re like, oh my God, what’s happening?
[00:06:12] Nick Roush: Oh my God. Ooh. And she walked up to me, she looks at me dead in the eye, and then she looks around the room like this side to side and says, Do you think there was a need for this? And then she just walked deadpan right in the studio. It was great. So, awesome. Julie, if you’re out there, I miss you. Yeah.
[00:06:30] Nick Roush: Hope to see you soon. And so that’s how Ruel was born, and here we are working on our 12th year, over 11 years later.
[00:06:37] Vicki Markussen: And you’ve strategically created, we had another guest on here, Tracy Andrey. She talked about her art. Oh, Tracy Pop being a third space. Yeah. She’s a student too. Yes. Yes.
[00:06:47] Nick Roush: So it’s so important to us, just to step back for a second, that we need our third places. We have home and we have work. And we hope that both of those things are life giving places. And we need our third place where we get. Connection and community to other humans. We are social animals.
[00:07:07] Nick Roush: This is why the worst form of punishment is solitary confinement. We need each other all the time, like every day. And we need that third place. And I’m so proud to say that. All of the people who have come to Root Down have made it their third place. And it’s my third place.
[00:07:24] Nick Roush: It’s Mandy’s third place. I get a little teary as I talk about it, right? It’s so important to us in that way. And we need that, we need that connection community, that third place in our lives.
[00:07:34] Vicki Markussen: So you bought the building on the north side? Yep. Very strategically, by the way, because you had a built-in tenant. Yep. And why did you pick the north side?
[00:07:44] Nick Roush: Okay, so I’ve had a love affair with that little part of Caledonia Street since I was a kid. So my mom’s first beauty shop, mom and dad were entrepreneurs and mom’s mom owned the beauty shop.
[00:07:54] Nick Roush: JB Hair Company was right next door to the Sweet shop. And so is
[00:07:59] Vicki Markussen: this between Made Right and the Sweet Shop? It would
[00:08:01] Nick Roush: be just to the South of The Sweet Shop.
[00:08:04] Vicki Markussen: Oh, south of, yeah. Okay. Yeah, it’s still there. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. B
[00:08:07] Nick Roush: shop’s still there. Yep. Not Mom’s Shop anymore. Yes. Still B Shop. Yes.
[00:08:10] Nick Roush: And Thriving. And I. I I grew up in the shop, come home from school. I was in the shop hanging out with mom till her day was done. And I ate way too much stuff from the Made Right and the sweet shop. I had made rights every day. I was next door at the Sweet Shop every day.
[00:08:25] Nick Roush: That was growing up. We found our first kitty midnight. She had a little cut paw and I saw her out front of the beauty shop and I went out and picked her up. And I brought her in. I said, mom, can we keep her? And we did. She lived for 20 years. She was amazing. Wow. And walking down the street to Ben Franklin, that was on the corner.
[00:08:41] Nick Roush: Yes, yes. And hardware hank that was across the street and the antique places. And it was just this awesome friendly and the Windsor house that was further to the south, on Windsor Street. And just this young kid growing up in this spot. And so that little spot of La Crosse has always held just the fondest of memories for me.
[00:08:59] Nick Roush: For sure. And so when I was looking for a home for. At the time, master Building Solutions let’s just say that part of Cal Street had fallen into some disrepair or like some of the, uh, some of the awesome antique stores had left. There were a lot of empty storefronts, and so it was a.
[00:09:17] Nick Roush: A good economic opportunity and for us being able to get a building at a reasonable price. And I also knew that there would be upside there. I knew there’d be upside in that neighborhood. Because there’s good bones. And it had a good feel. And I remember that. And a lot of iconic businesses that are still thriving in Awesome.
[00:09:34] Nick Roush: We’re still there, right? There’s the great antique places. Mark Jeweler fantastic. Like La Crosse staple. The sweet shop. La Crosse staple. The made right was still there. Yeah. Like there was still good stuff happening on the block At that time, which I thought was awesome, right?
[00:09:47] Nick Roush: It’s okay, there’s good ingredients here, like we can add some more to the soup and make it better. So that was true. And then so love that spot of La Crosse. And wanted to make that investment there. And that’s why when it came time for Root Down, we already had the building, it was like, well this could make this even better.
[00:10:05] Nick Roush: And and I feel like Root Down had a. A catalytic effect. On our neighborhood there. It’s not just us, it’s all those other businesses that I mentioned. But we helped add like that extra secret sauce to the neighborhood. And now if I look Mark Jewelers is thriving even more.
[00:10:22] Nick Roush: This amazing new remodel that Carla did, that looks just unreal. Yes. Like, shout out to Carla. Yes. Oh my God. So beautiful. Right? Yes. And then wrench and Roll Collective on the corner. We’ve got this fantastic bike shop that has just been catalytic in the neighborhood and for the community, like the things that Matthew built there.
[00:10:40] Nick Roush: Oh my God, yes. So amazing. Like helping people with transportation and getting bikes. Yep. And Old Town Strings was there and there’s, this was a music shop and then there was music together. Bebop and bundles was right next to us. The antique store now, Riviera Salon Spas there. Yes. And they’re killing it.
[00:10:53] Nick Roush: And that’s going awesome. Yes. Debos on the corner, north Side Community Church. We got church in the neighborhood, right? Yeah. Riva, like there’s still Yeah. Just a block guy. One of the best restaurants in town. Just a block away. Yep. And we have some, a couple open storefronts right now. People in the business world.
[00:11:07] Nick Roush: Talk to me. Find me. Yeah. Well I want to find a way for you to find a home in Caledonia Street. And then now most recently, the damn tasty moving into the restaurant space downstairs from the studio. Yeah. And they are crushing it. They are. For those who haven’t been there yet, the food is. Spectacular.
[00:11:23] Nick Roush: Phenomenal, spectacular. Absolutely. It’s so good. Like Nikki and Jim are and all their awesome people. Jenna, the Baker, like they’re just crushing it there. The food’s fantastic. We did a, and because of that, we did a big remodel in the back of the building. They’re building on an awesome outside space.
[00:11:39] Nick Roush: There’s gonna be some live music and outside dining. And so charming. So I think of Northside Pride and I’m just, I feel like I’m an honorary northsider. I grew up going to central. Sorry. Love Logan. Everybody knows that. But my first house on the north side business is on the north side.
[00:11:56] Nick Roush: N L B A president for seven years. Just, I love for the north side. That little part of the world is just a gem and so much good stuff there. Yes.
[00:12:06] Vicki Markussen: That was a lot. And so that’s okay. It was that passion coming out and so let’s come off of that being the third place for individuals. Yeah. Third place. And then you have that thing called covid happened.
[00:12:21] Nick Roush: Oh my god, what a kick in the business. So
[00:12:24] Vicki Markussen: I was there before the before C, and literally there’s stickers on the floor cuz you are so full that you have to show people how to put. Their mats so that you can fit enough people in there and then the pandemic happened.
[00:12:37] Nick Roush: Yeah. Talk about the wrong business to own when there’s a respiratory virus.
[00:12:42] Nick Roush: And being indoors in close quarters is bad. Yes. Whoa. Yes. Yes so challenging on multiple levels, right? So there’s my connection and love for the studio and our students, right? Like I just, when you come through my door, I’m happy to see you. I ask you how you’re doing and I actually want to know.
[00:13:05] Nick Roush: And how, wow, how important this third place is, right? So that is, was huge. And then there’s the, just the business logistics of losing our shirt, right? Yeah. Our business was bankrupted. Yeah. By the pandemic,
[00:13:22] Vicki Markussen: your income went to zero. Really? Which to
[00:13:24] Nick Roush: essential zero. Yeah. And we’ve done the, we did the virtual thing, and I can get into the weeds of all the things that we did what went down.
[00:13:31] Nick Roush: But people were so screen burned out. They spent their day on Zoom, and so spending more time on screens was just Oh, so hard. Yes. And a huge part of what they missed too was being with each other. Yes. Being in the space. Being in the heat. Being in the space with each other. Yeah. Climbing the longest stairway on the north side. Yeah. To that like third home, when we built the studio, we built the studio to feel like our house. Yeah. It was built in this bungalow, arts and crafts. Like it hugs you when you come in. Yeah. Feeling. And and then of course the, so it was the third place thing, and then the economic aspects of that.
[00:14:08] Nick Roush: And then it was, how do we care for our employees and our people, and how do we get through this thing as best we can? And whoa.
[00:14:15] Vicki Markussen: Yeah, because you kept your employees on for a long time after the doors
[00:14:20] Nick Roush: closed. Long as we could. Yeah. As long as we could. And, obviously we were losing, we were throwing money in the fireplace by the bucket load.
[00:14:28] Nick Roush: Hundreds of thousands, right? Because I think a lot of people that aren’t in business don’t understand that when you’re in business, when the income stops, all the meters keep spinning. Yeah. The mortgage is still due, the insurance is still due. Your point of sale is still due. Your internet service keeping the lights on. The power bill. In all the things keep coming. Yes. They don’t stop at all. Yeah. And yet when there’s no income to offset that stuff, it can get really scary, really fast. And it did for us. If not for our, my our other business, we would’ve been pockets out, lost our house, like everything would’ve happened.
[00:15:06] Nick Roush: And owning
[00:15:06] Vicki Markussen: the building. So you had
[00:15:07] Nick Roush: the control and we lost the building. We would’ve lost it all. Yeah, we would’ve lost it all. And so thank God for other things that we had going on to be able to get through. And yeah, it was absurdly challenging for those who don’t own business. That’s the backside of that.
[00:15:21] Nick Roush: And then at the same time, understanding, like trying to take care of our people. And all of our students. So at all this was happening, we were putting free classes out on YouTube for all of our students, knowing that everybody was in just such financial peril for all different kinds of reasons. And needing that buoy of their third place and their yoga practice.
[00:15:39] Nick Roush: Those classes are still out there. For people to try to be able to enjoy. Cuz we closed our doors. I taught the last class St. Patrick’s Day. 2020, yeah.
[00:15:50] Vicki Markussen: March 17th. Yep. Yep.
[00:15:52] Nick Roush: And we did not reopen our doors at the studio for in-person classes with limited li limited space with masks and all the whole rodeo.
[00:16:01] Nick Roush: One year later, it was the day after St. Patrick’s day. One year later. Yep. And I’ll be honest I couldn’t go into the studio. I tried to go there and practice by myself and spend time in the space. I couldn’t go in the studio for four or five months. It’s just, it was too hard tears and I just couldn’t be there.
[00:16:18] Nick Roush: Cuz all the people weren’t there. It didn’t have that same feel and life that it had. And it was so hard to be in that space. So
[00:16:28] Vicki Markussen: you used. That frustration by becoming a voice. So I think you were one of the most outspoken small business owners during that time period because you had that understanding of the impact of that closure and how, and the needs that were out there for a lot of the small businesses that were all hurting because local businesses rely on people coming through the door.
[00:16:55] Vicki Markussen: And having to adjust is not normal and creating new operating systems and all of that.
[00:17:00] Nick Roush: And they can’t. Right, right. Like if your business is one of service and in-person service. Yeah. There’s only so many carryout orders that a restaurant can produce. And Waitstaff doesn’t get paid that way.
[00:17:13] Nick Roush: Yep. Yep. Anybody knows anything about a restaurant, they break even on food so they can sell you some beer and wine. That’s all about the alcohol sales. Yeah. Right. That’s the reality, right? Yep. And I could list a hundred businesses, right? Yes. And that turned into another calling.
[00:17:29] Nick Roush: I. I think. Through and it was an amazing group effort. I can only take a little piece of the credit. You were a huge part of that. Vicky, um, Kaylee Jacobson, Paul Borsheim Elaine Yerger, Elaine Yeager, all people, part of the North Lacrosse Business Association and our board I feel like we just tried to be a very strong voice.
[00:17:53] Nick Roush: In the Get On Living Safely Campaign. Which then morphed later into Get On Living Stronger in being a Voice for Small Business and letting. Reminding the community how important all those businesses are to the fabric of their lives. The fabric of the community the things that make up all of our third places.
[00:18:13] Nick Roush: Yes. The restaurant we love the yoga studio. We love the church that we love, the, all those places that are so important to the vibrance. Of why we love lacrosse. And in truth employ like two thirds of the people. More people work at small business aggregated together than at the large businesses.
[00:18:34] Nick Roush: And and if those people aren’t eating, Then or fee, working, then they’re not eating and feeding their kids. And all the things. Right. The ripple of that Is so huge. And so we tried to be a very strong voice for that. Wake up everybody and love your local businesses.
[00:18:49] Nick Roush: Show up or to the carry out, do the thing. Take the virtual class, like still find a way to shop, do the thing because we need you and you need us we’re all in this together. And healthy businesses. And healthy communities working together is what makes communities strong. Yep. Yeah.
[00:19:07] Vicki Markussen: And then as things started to open up, that messaging shifted to get on Living Stronger.
[00:19:12] Vicki Markussen: Yes. So how do we rebuild the Strong, the Yes. Our small businesses? Yep. And so what did that rebuild look like for Root
[00:19:20] Nick Roush: Down? For Root Down, it was a process of making people feel as safe as they could, right? So what do we need to do from a policies and procedures perspective to help grow everybody’s comfort level, our teachers, our students?
[00:19:33] Nick Roush: Cuz again, primary concern is our love and concern for all the people. That’s the most important part, right? And so how could we do that in a way that was effective? And so we reduced class sizes. Thankfully I’m in the H V A C business, so we already had this amazing ventilation system that was like way beyond all the things that got recommended.
[00:19:50] Nick Roush: Like we were doing all that already, which is why I’m proud to say 11 years later we’re one of the few amazing hot yoga studios. It doesn’t stink. It smells wonderful in there. Yeah. And so we did everything we could to just mitigate all the concerns to the best of our ability and find a way to get back open again.
[00:20:07] Nick Roush: And we were still in the red for over a year after we reopened, so we were continuing to, throw money in the fireplace Yeah. So to speak. But it, it didn’t matter. Like I was gonna find a way to do it one way or the other because I knew that this place had to come back. The phoenix from the ashes, it had to come back for us and for our students.
[00:20:30] Nick Roush: And so we found a way to make it happen, and then classes grew and, It was what was, here’s what was so special about, as we were re, re rebirthing as it were. Yeah. Is every single class, another person I hadn’t seen for a year or two came up the stairs? And it was like, it was a reunion every single class we taught.
[00:20:57] Nick Roush: Oh my gosh. It’s so great to see you. Yeah. And then everybody’s like hoot and hollering and tears and hugs and Further affirmation, we were doing the right thing. And making it happen. And it was just like a reunion. And they still happen. Still happening. There’s still people that are reemerging and reengaging with their lives.
[00:21:17] Nick Roush: Yes. Because a couple years goes by, like we’re talking, what are we doing three years plus right now? Yeah. From the beginning of all that, like people’s lives take different turns. Yeah. Parents get sick, something happens, there’s an illness, they have a baby, like all the things happen. And so these reunions are still happening all the time, and as this stuff, it’s like further affirmation of doing like the right thing for our people and the right thing in making this happen again, so that we can reconnect with each other and get back to that connection and community that we just so badly need.
[00:21:48] Nick Roush: Yeah. Oh my gosh. Do we need each
[00:21:49] Vicki Markussen: other? I’m gonna take you back to Go ahead. Take you forward. So something for people to understand I’m guessing, is when you reopened, I mean, that’s a big decision because Oh yeah, your cost is the same whether one person shows up or whether 30 show up, right?
[00:22:05] Vicki Markussen: Because you have an instructor there, the lights are on, the heat’s on, and so you. As you talked about, you weren’t at that tipping point of profitability cuz you had all those expenses and people weren’t showing up and then bringing you back to what you were just talking about. So people obviously missed that as their third place and said, I need to get back to that.
[00:22:27] Vicki Markussen: So they started coming in the doors. Yep. Are you back where you. Were,
[00:22:32] Nick Roush: I would say we’re not back where we were, so we’re not back to pre pandemic attendance, but we’re definitely on the right trajectory. Like things are moving. This is, I think I’m gonna say Ray of hope for everybody who’s still in recovery from that time.
[00:22:46] Nick Roush: That’s true for restaurants. They can’t get staff. Yeah. Is true for all kinds of places and third places. Is. Try to like, we’ve all got our goals. Yeah. Where we want to get to. Yep. But I think what’s more important is the trajectory and path that we’re on in the present.
[00:23:02] Nick Roush: Are we moving toward what it is we’re trying to create? And I would say yes, that’s absolutely true. Yep. More and more people are finding us again and finding us for the first time, and that’s happening all the time. So I’m really excited for the future. I know things are moving in the right direction.
[00:23:19] Nick Roush: I’m confident about our future and with with a lot of hope and foreshadowing there. Because I can just feel the energy around it is Right, we’re there for the right reasons. It’s never been about the money ever. It’s always been about the people. The third place sharing this practice that has saved Mandy’s life, saved my life.
[00:23:37] Nick Roush: And I’ve watched, saved thousands, literally thousands of lives. And people changed forever. And that’s why we’re there. And so that trajectory is going in the right direction. And I think next winter’s gonna be a blast. We’re gonna have a lot of fun in 2023. 2024. Of course, the impetus to come to hot yoga is much higher.
[00:23:55] Nick Roush: In the wintertime. Yes. Yes. To come and thaw out. Yes. That it’s in the summertime. Although I will tell you, hot yoga in the summer will change your relationship to summer because Yeah, you’re in that hot environment and you’re sweating like crazy and all the things, and you go outside and the world feels air conditioned.
[00:24:08] Nick Roush: Yes. It changes your relationship to
[00:24:10] Vicki Markussen: the heat. This is
[00:24:11] Nick Roush: nothing. Yeah. Yeah. So things are moving in the right direction, and I’m super happy and I just shout out to our instructors, all of our students. Just all of the people. Because Manny and I are just like, Facilitators, right? Like we teach, we practice, we go to classes just like all of our students.
[00:24:28] Nick Roush: But it’s all the people. It’s all the teachers. It’s all the people that help at the desk. It’s all the people together that make the thing. Work.
[00:24:37] Vicki Markussen: Yes. But don’t minimize your role either. So you provide that inspiration that causes them to want to work for you. So well, thanks. So your passion came out throughout this conversation, but I still wanna ask.
[00:24:51] Vicki Markussen: Yeah. What makes you passionate about root down yoga?
[00:24:55] Nick Roush: Oh yeah. Okay. What makes me passionate about root down? I need to try to be there’s a phrase we talk about in teaching yoga that you need to be minimum and relevant with your words, right? If something can be said in a sentence versus a paragraph, say it in a sentence.
[00:25:11] Nick Roush: So, if I’m being minimum and relevant, and why am I passionate about root down? I have seen firsthand and been party to the life changing aspects of yoga practice and that community’s effect on people, and I don’t want that to ever stop. I want root on yoga to outlive us, someday, right?
[00:25:35] Nick Roush: All the things. I want that community to continue to be the gift to people that it has been. And continue to help people flourish in their own lives. And I always get my biggest reward seeing the success and prosperity and inspiration and life of others. And so for me, if I can help make that happen for you, then.
[00:25:57] Nick Roush: That’s what makes me feel the best.
[00:25:59] Vicki Markussen: And that started with your lovely wife, Mandy. Like she was that first inspiration and so Oh yeah. Yes. So we didn’t bring it all the way home. I know, right? Bring it full circle, bring it home in the garage.
[00:26:11] Vicki Markussen: Yes. So I wanted more of that. Yes. So well, thank you for listening to Biz Cast Greater La Crosse.
[00:26:18] Vicki Markussen: That was the co-owner of Root Down, Nick Roush, and we will catch you next week.